Coping With Infertility: A Guide for Working through the Emotions

Infertility can be very frustrating for couples. If you have experienced it or are experiencing it, you must be aware of the experience. However, the truth is that infertility is not talked about nearly as much as it should be. Instead, it is discussed in hushed whispers behind closed doors. If we consider the statistics, around 10% of Indian couples are infertile. The coping mechanism becomes a lot harder due to a lack of conversation and awareness surrounding infertility. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of tackling infertility and how to rise above it and become wise. How to tackle it? Become a team You need to stick together as a team as fighting infertility is a two-member team. It does not matter who has been diagnosed with the problem. Ultimately, the situation must be tackled by both you and your partner together. Be more aware Those who are formally diagnosed with infertility should learn about the causes of their condition. By empow...