Embryo Transfer

Shivam IVF Centre Delhi (NCR)

Embryo transfer is a simple procedure of In Vitro fertilization (IVF). The purpose of embryo transfer is to transfer embryo in the uterus after fertilization from the in vitro fertilization procedure.
Steps of Embryo Transfer
1.            During IVF, medications are used to stimulate the ovaries into releasing healthy eggs.
2.            These eggs are then removed from women's ovaries and fertilized in a lab.
3.            These eggs will then be fertilized in a lab and left to culture for 2-5 days.
4.            The doctor IVF Centre in Delhi will choose the best eggs to transfer to the womb.
5.            Embryos are transferred when they are at the cleavage stage (4 - 8 cells) or when they have reached the blastocyst stage.
6.            Embryo transfer is a simple procedure that does not require any anesthesia.
7.            Embryos are placed in a soft catheter and are injected in the uterine cavity through the cervix.
According to the IVF specialist in the Best Fertility Centre inDelhi (NCR), there are minimal risks with the embryo transfer procedure. Ultrasound makes the procedure smoother and hence enhances the possibility of successful embryo transfer by lowering the chances of technical faults that occur due to the unguided procedure being carried out.
Best InfertilityCentre in Delhi offers a wide variety of laboratory techniques to help patients achieve success with assisted reproduction. 


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