Hysteroscopy: Is it essential before IVF?

 IVF change the life of a hopeless couple and a ray of hope to the unfertile patients. The different couples have different fertility issues. Hysteroscopy is the part of the IVF procedure. Here we need to know what hysteroscopy is. Why we need it? Is this essential before IVF?

A discussion with The fertility specialist Dr Bhavana Mittal from Shivam IVF centre, she told that everyone doesn’t need IVF because some other fertility treatments as IUI, ICSI, laparoscopy, sperm or egg donation etc can deal with infertility. But here a patient needs to know what exactly the problem is. Here we prefer the hysteroscopy before any IVF or other fertility treatments.”

Hysteroscopy is basically performed in women to look inside the ovary to confirm the exact problem for conception. At Best Fertility Clinic inDelhi when any case registered for the treatment they start from the hysteroscopy because sometimes we do not get a result without knowing the problem. It helps the doctor to identify any problems in the uterus and to confirm the conclusions of other tests.  The doctor says that hysteroscopy is done to increase the rate of pregnancy.

 At Hysteroscopy Centrein Delhi, it is used to examine the uterine cavity for diagnosis of problems like heavy periods, abnormal bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, infertility, repeated miscarriages, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Genetic or Chromosomal Disorder, PCOD, Low Oocyte Reserve, Advanced Age and fibroids.

At the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi this method of evaluation done prior to an IVF so that they can detect and remove any type of scar tissues or polyps for a better chance to conceive.

The procedure isn’t painful. You may experience some cramping during the procedure. It usually takes approx 30 minutes.

 It is a suggestion if you have failed IVF and you are disappointed, please visit the Shivam IVF centre, Best infertility centre in Delhi.


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