IVF During COVID-19

The unexpected COVID-19 crisis has emerged as a huge challenge for couples seeking In Vitro Fertilizations (IVF) treatment. COVID-19 vaccine may be one of the better things to come out of 2021. But if you’re on a fertility journey, you’ve probably still got a lot of questions about what the corona virus means for your pregnancy. COVID-19 crisis and lockdown suddenly changed our life. Patients start the cancellation of IVF cycle or treatment due to the threat of the COVID virus.

Why IVF cancelled?

We all know that the IVF cycle is a planned preparation and takes several months. Eventually, as the lockdown was announced, there were travel restrictions, absence of public transport and extended lockdown. It was resulting in the cancellation of treatment or discontinuation of treatment.

What does the expert say?

Our expert Dr . Bhavana Mittal from IVF Clinic in Delhi says, there needs to be awareness among the patients regarding the IVF treatment ever since the outbreak of COVID-19. This time can be stressful for women who are trying to become pregnant or thinking about beginning fertility treatments. There is no real data to know how it will affect pregnant women and their babies. But yes, it’s a risk if the women have diabetes or hypertension, it will affect them more. So we can suggest them to wait for a few more months.

How we assess the treatment?

All procedures at the Best Infertility Centre in Delhi NCR are practiced after initial risk assessment with COVID-19 in a highly sanitized environment. There is no need to fear its success if you follow preventive guidelines issued. We have given the best results. There are no apparent first-trimester issues due to COVID-19.  At our clinic, full-term deliveries have done well. If the mother has caught by COVID-19, it may cause premature labour or early delivery.

What are the suggestions?

Our specialist from Best Fertility Centre in Delhi NCR suggests that the best solution is to follow medical directions on preventing the spread of the disease: wear a mask in public, social distance, wash your hands, and be stay from crowds.  Get the flu vaccine to further protect yourself against conventional flu. And the last if you are blessed during the covid then breastfeeding still recommended, as the transmission is unlikely.

Source by: https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com


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