Common Questions About IVF Treatment

There are many people across the country who deals with problems related to reproduction, due to poor lifestyle and stress, the diet of people has a bad effect on resting which hurts their health, at the same time, many people are not becoming parents due to the problem of infertility, but with the advancement of medical science, there are many such treatments available from which you can enjoy the joy of becoming a parent.  IVF is one of them. IVF helps couples who want to raise a family, but infertility is a problem.

But before IVF you need to ask some common questions to your fertility specialist.

What is the reason for IVF?

 Before arriving at any decision, it is necessary to find out what exactly is the problem. There are many reasons behind not being pregnant, such as hormonal problems, tube infections, inability to form a sexual relationship, Problems in fertility of men and Ages.

When IVF will be a better option?

If the woman has tube blockage or has some unknown cause of infertility or endometriosis or in some cases also comes in PCOS.

How long you have to wait for conception?

If the process of transferring the embryo is completed properly, then it takes 15 days for the pregnancy to be done. A pregnancy test done for 15 days tells that this whole process was successful.

What is the success rate?

The success rate of in vitro depends on some factors like how old you are, where you have your treatment done, and how much the doctor's experience is. The success of this process is 40% at the age of 35 and as the age increases, the success rate decreases.

 What are the side effects and risk?

During the procedure, two embryos are inserted into the womb. Sometimes there is a risk of having twins. When a baby is born, it is likely to lose weight. Many times the medicines you are taking may also have negative effects.

What is the expense of treatment?

The expense depends on the place and also the doctor from where you are getting treatment.

You can visit at TestTube baby Centre in Delhi or can call for any enquiry. The dedicated doctors are available for your convenience at Shivam IVF center. The cost of this process is the lowest and affordable for every patient.  Here the fertility specialist Dr. Bhavana Mittal discusses and explains the fertility procedures.

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