IVF Treatment For Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Becoming a mother is a pleasant feeling, but the 9-months journey of pregnant women has many types of apprehensions related to pregnancy, the most common is the fear of miscarriage! Pregnancy loss is a very disheartening situation for a woman.  It affects their mental and physical health. So it is very important to stay positive in such a situation. If there is a miscarriage 3 or more times in a row then it is called Recurrent Pregnancy loss.

Causes of Recurrent pregnancy loss

    • Abnormal chromosomes: The most common cause of recurrent pregnancy loss can be a problem with the chromosomes that can prevent the fetus from developing completely.
    • Abnormal levels of hormones: The secretion of hormones in pregnancy is important for the development of the fetus, abnormal levels of hormones can lead to pregnancy loss.
    • Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes also increases the chances of pregnancy loss.
    • Proximity to hazardous materials: Exposure to workplace hazards, chemicals, environmental radiations, and toxic substances make changes in your DNA and entire body that leads to pregnancy loss.
    • Some other reasons are such as using pain relievers, Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption, Illegal drug use, etc.

Medical help

Normal miscarriage can be prevented with immediate medical attention and adequate care. But recurrent miscarriage is a problem and needs special treatment techniques called IVF. Through this new technology, the growing fetus is tested for genetic abnormalities in the DNA of the mother.

IVF has come as a hope for women who are struggling with the continuous failure of pregnancies. This treatment is going to be very effective for women. This could make embryo treatment more successful, especially in older women.

Shivam IVF centre is one of the Best Fertility Clinics in Delhi. Along with this, the process of ART treatment is done here with modern equipment. We employ a variety of screening procedures to maximize the success of IVF. The best test tube baby center in Delhi explores the safest way to implant embryos with the help of the latest techniques.

Shivam IVF centre has helped many women with a recurrent pregnancy loss to fulfill their dream of becoming a mother. The doctors here are fully competent to perform all types of treatments. Also, your information is kept strictly confidential at this centre. 

Source by: https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com


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