What is the Difference between an IUI and IVF?


Are you someone who is considering a fertility treatment or just curious about it and have confusion in your mind when it comes to the terminology and other differences between two of the most famous treatments for fertility? Don’t worry, in this blog by the Best IVF Centre in Delhi NCR, we will explain to you the difference between both IVF and IUI. So, like In Virto Fertilisation (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is also an artificial fertility treatment that helps patients to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy by laboratory and scientific assistance, but, just because these both are the treatments for the similar problem, it does not state that their uses or method would be similar. 

IVF is a method that includes egg stimulation, retrieval, fertilization, and transfer whereas, IUI is the process of injecting the sperms directly into the uterus to speed up the process of fertilization and decrease the loss of sperm and time spent for travelling. To explain both processes even in detail and clarify, if any doubt remains, let’s start by taking a look at the steps performed by the Best IVF Centre in Delhi NCR during the process of IVF:

1. Sperm sample testing and other pre-cycle diagnostic testing.

2. Ovary stimulation

3. Retrieval of eggs

4. Fertilizations

5. Embryo Implantation

In IVF, the success rate primarily depends on the age of women, the cause of infertility, and the quality of the IVF laboratory.

IUI as per the Best IUI Centre in Delhi is a fertility treatment where the semen sample is washed in the laboratory to separate it from sperm and then the doctor inserts a thin, flexible tube into the uterus and inserts the sperm through the tube directly into the uterus. It is done when the sperm count is low, there is a problem with the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovulation, and if the sperms are unable to penetrate, also in cases such as cervical muscle problems. IUI helps bring the sperms close to the egg, saving time and increasing the chances that the healthiest sperms will unite with the egg. It is also a comparatively less expensive and simple method with good results. The most important factor during this treatment is the proper timing i.e. when performed just before ovulation, can make a great difference in its success rate.

For any further information or the highest chances of success and treatment with the help of experts having over 35 years of experience, contact or visit Shivam IVF & Fertility Centre, The Best Fertility Centre in Delhi NCR offering its specialty services since 1996 and equipped with modern Imaging modalities, Operation theatres, HDUs providing 24 hours emergency services. Visit shivamivfcentredelhi.com to book an appointment now.

Source by: https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com


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