How Long Does it Take to Get Pregnant with Best IVF Centre in Delhi NCR?

Through a child, parents relive their childhood moments. And if you are planning to bring a child into this world, then congratulations! This is an exciting and thrilling moment for you. But if you are having any difficulty having a child, then rest assured. 

We bring you the IVF (in-vitro fertilization) treatment, which will solve all of your fertility and reproductive issues.

Even if you have a serious reproductively issue or fertility problem, there are still chances. Imagine you are scolding your children for breaking things, teaching them new life lessons, and telling them good-night stories. 

Yes! It can all happen!

All your dreams can come true through IVF treatment (in-vitro fertilization).

But first, let’s understand what it is and how long it takes.

In-vitro fertilization is a unique process in which women's eggs are retrieved and then fertilized by the male sperm in a petri dish in a medically specialized control laboratory. After the fertilization process, the zygote is transferred into the woman's uterus using a catheter.

And if you are a couple who wants to take this treatment, the complete process might take about 80 days to 4 months until you celebrate the good news. IVF, in and of itself, is a complex process. And depending upon your age, health, specific fertility issues, medical history, and diseases, this procedure might also take longer than 4 months. 

Below, we have mentioned the entire step-by-step process of IVF treatment and the time it will take:

Week 1: When you meet with your IVF specialist, he/she will ask you to tell him/her everything about your health, including your medical history, current medications (if any), and so on. This will help your doctor better understand your specific condition and problem, and the doctor will then advise you on the best treatment for your specific case.

Week 2 to 4: The actual procedure of IVF starts. The doctor will ask you to take several tests to reveal your specific fertility issue or to get a proper image of the problem. These tests include screening for infectious diseases, ultrasounds, blood tests, uterine evaluation, and male fertility analysis. After this, the doctor will select an individualized protocol for IVF treatment.

WEEK 5: The controlled ovarian hyperstimulation process begins, which involves medications and monitoring. Some oral fertility medicines and follicle-stimulating hormone injections are prescribed by the doctor for two weeks. They are given to produce more mature eggs in their ovaries through hormone stimulation. Your overall fertility condition is monitored by ultrasounds and blood tests. This procedure takes up to 5 or 6 visits. 

WEEK 7: After the final triggering process of mature and quality eggs, the doctor will fix the final date for the egg retrieval process after 36 hours. After the egg retrieval process, the eggs and sperm are mixed and fertilized in the laboratory. And then the fertilized embryo will be transferred or injected back into the uterus. After 10 to 14 days, the doctor will ask you to take a pregnancy test in the clinic. After a few tests, the doctor will do an ultrasound to confirm the test. 

IVF treatment is a one-of-a-kind procedure that takes time, so make sure you and your partner choose the best IVF clinic and specialist for you. Shivam IVF and Infertility Centre has been successful in helping hundreds and thousands of couples since 1996. They are one of the best IVF Centres in Delhi and provide expert counseling. If you live in Uttar Pradesh, do visit the IVF Centre in Delhi NCR. Their first visit is free. Don’t wait for another day. Book an appointment now and celebrate the good news.

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