Know Why 3 Full Cycles of IVF Are So Important

Fertility issues are the most common issues which women face and if it is ignored then infertility may result in stress, depression, and emotional distress. IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is a fertilization process where an egg is combined with sperm in vitro. This process involves removing an ovum or ova from their ovaries, monitoring and stimulating a woman's ovulation process and letting the sperm fertilize them in a culture medium in a laboratory.

After this, the mind would strike a question what are the chances of success? So for answering that we can say that, age is shown to be the only strong factor in predicting the success of IVF treatment.

According to the data collected by the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) showed that the percentage of IVF cycles that resulted in births decreased from 20% when the mother aged 38-39, to 14% at age 40-42 and to just 5% when she is over 42. So it means the chances of IVF success fall sharply after the age of 42 as the average age of women seeking fertility treatment has steadily increased over the years.

A full cycle of IVF treatment cover, embryo replacement and insemination, egg recovery, and ovarian stimulation. So, why the quality standard is important? Sometimes it is observed that more than 80% of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) fail to provide the recommended number of IVF cycles, with more than half of them only offering a single cycle to eligible couples, and some not offering any treatment at all.

Fertility first also found that the eligibility criteria varied from location to location, with previous children, relationship status, and sexuality all used as deciding factors.

There are many patients who think that IVF is excellent if the chance of getting pregnant through it is 80%, while if it is less than 50% then for them it is poor. However, there are only 20% chances of conceiving naturally in a month for young healthy couples. And if you want the best guidance and treatment in Delhi then you must consult Dr. Bhavna Mittal at the best Test Tube Baby Centre in Delhi, as she is one of the best doctors to get your IVF treatment done.

• The increasing effect of all the three full cycles of IVF increases 45-53% chances of a successful pregnancy. 

• There have been recommendations that 3 IVF cycles are both the most cost-effective and clinically effective for women who are under the age of 40. 

• In most women the success rates are 20-35% per cycle but with each successive round, the rates of getting pregnant decreases while the cost increases.

So for the Fertility Centre in Delhi, choose Shivam IVF, as it offers and provides all the necessary guidance as well as the best and finest treatment for infertility issues.

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