Two sides of a coin: Infertility can be influenced by either partner


The word infertility states that a couple hasn’t been able to get pregnant after at least a year of trying. Fertility is not women-centric as it is a two-member balancing act, men can be infertile too, in fact, men and women are equally likely to have fertility complications. Not being able to conceive is not always linked to disease. Infertility-related complications can easily be addressed by Dr. Bhavana Mittal.


Some specific types of infertility cannot be prevented as they may be inherited, thus such form of infertility is unavoidable. In some cases, a woman who’s never been able to get pregnant will be diagnosed with primary infertility. Women having at least one pregnancy in the past will be diagnosed with secondary infertility.


Male infertility is focused on complications such as inherited disorder, hormonal imbalance, dilated testicles, or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm leading to illness, injuries, and chronic health problems which can be resolved if engaged with the Best IVF center in Delhi.


Causes for female infertility 


Tubal factor Infertility


Usually, the fallopian tubes may be completely or partially blocked, mostly commonly, the tubes are damaged as a result of infection. Few other causes can be adhesions, ectopic pregnancies after surgery, or spontaneous proliferation of the endometrium.


Antibodies against sperm


In rare cases, the body isn’t able to identify its oocytes, in such cases, the immune system produces antibodies against them. They restrict sperm to travel, as the production of the man’s sperm in the cervical mucus occurs more frequently. This leads no sperm cells to find their way into the fallopian tubes making fertilization impossible.


Complications of uterus & ovulation


It includes polyps, fibroid, septum, or adhesions inside the cavity of the uterus. Polyps and fibroids can form on their own at any time, on the other hand, abnormalities like septum are present at birth.


There are a lot of reasons as well to why women may not ovulate regularly. Hormonal imbalance, previous dieting disorder, substance abuse, thyroid conditions, and pituitary tumors are examples of things that might affect ovulation for which guidance from the IVF Centre is a must.




If you as a couple are trying to get pregnant and haven’t been able to, you may wish to seek treatment. The treatments can depend on a variety of factors. 


  • The health of both the partners.
  • Age of both the partners.
  • The root cause of infertility.
  • Duration in which couple has been trying to mate.



 Medications that regulate or stimulate ovulation are known as fertility drugs. They generally work like natural hormones-follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing-to trigger ovulation. They’re also used in women who ovulate to try to stimulate a better egg.


Drugs are-


Ø Gonadotropins.

Ø Metformin.

Ø Letrozole.

Ø Bromocriptine.


Causes for male fertility


The most frequent disorder of male fertility is the impaired production of normal and motile sperm in the seminiferous tubules. The normal quality of the male sperm means that the number of sperm cells is above 20 million per ML. 30% of the sperm should be normal-formed sperm and at least 50% should show good morality. However, a functional disorder may also prevent sperm entry into the oocyte, even if the results of the semen analysis are normal. Few other factors are endocrine disorder, stress, environmental pollution, undescended testicles, and surgery for cancer, such as DNA damage. Temporary impairment of sperm quality may also be due to acute infections.


Sperm transport complications


 This situation is similar to an obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women. A blockage of the epididymis may be the result of inflammation and the cause may be a previous vasectomy.


Involvement of both partners


In approximately 15 to 30 % of the affected couples, the causes of infertility can be found in both partners. In 5 to 10% no organic cause can be found neither in the man nor in women, in such situations stress may be the case . 




Surgery can fix obstructions that are preventing sperm from being present in the ejaculate. It can also correct conditions such as varicocele.


Medications can be used to treat issues such as hormonal imbalances. There is a treatment namely ART treatment in which eggs and sperm are handled outside of the body. It can include treatment such as (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection for which professional medical advice is needed from an ICSI clinic.


Few remedies that work-


  • Exercising regularly.
  • Take adequate Vitamin C
  • Relax and minimize stress.
  • Get enough vitamin D
  • Take fenugreek supplements.
  • Zinc intake is a must.



Infertility is common and it affects a lot of couples throughout the world, one thing that can be done for some serious results is improving general health. Many of the tips mentioned above are key components of a healthy lifestyle. A major issue that supports infertility is nutrient deficiency or low testosterone levels.



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