The Importance of Mental Health During the Fertility Journey!


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Your body goes through many physical and mental changes during fertility treatments. Those who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) or other fertility treatment often have to prepare themselves so well for the physical and financial aspects of treatment that they often neglect the emotional aspects of it. Ignoring mental health can be very easy during your fertility journey but with the help of the below-given tips, you can easily care for yourself during the process.


Mental Health While Infertility Treatment

Just because of several highs and lows, the treatment is often referred to as the ‘IVF roller coaster’. Regardless of the fact that you have dealt with stressful, tumultuous times before, you still might find yourself struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression. Other than this, you might be asked to make tough decisions that might impact you and your partner emotionally, physically, and even morally. During your journey to parenthood, taking care of your mental health is one of the most important things one can do. Support from both partners is equally needed to bring a child effortlessly into the world.


Coping Anxiety During Infertility

During infertility or IVF treatments, anxiety is perhaps one of the most common mental health conditions. As waiting is an important part of fertility treatment, anxiety becomes a common issue during the whole process. Entering a new environment can leave some feeling sad and vulnerable. This is why it is important for you to choose a dedicated fertility team such as Shivam IVF Centre to feel comfortable and supported.


Coping Depression During Infertility

Depression is another common mental health condition found in fertility treatment patients. It is generally categorized as a persistent and severe low mood. Along with sadness, depression can also lead to loss of interest, sleep issues, loss of appetite, and slowed thinking or movement.


Self-Care During Fertility Treatment

Self-care can generally be a bit broad term, one that primarily focuses on face masks and bubble baths. However, self-care is usually categorized into two major categories including self-care and self-soothing. Self-soothing activities are known for providing comfort and distraction during times of distress. Other than this, self-care activities are the ones that care for the health and well-being of your current as well as future self.



All in all, it is very important for you to take care of your mental health during your fertility journey. While self-care and seeking support from your close ones are the foundations of caring for your mental health, it can also be helpful to seek out others other than have experience in your specific situation. Finding a mental health professional or IVF expert such as Dr. Bhavana Mittal of Shivam IVF Centre can help you a lot during your fertility journey.



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