A Step-by-Step Guide About the IVF Procedure!


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is probably near the top of your list of common fertility treatments. There's a good reason for this. IVF has been around for decades, and you've probably heard of the basic concept: combining egg and sperm outside of the body in culture. But there is a lot more to IVF that occurs both before and after that. Here's a five-step breakdown of the IVF process.


IVF is frequently used to treat:

1.  Women over the age of fifty who are experiencing fertility issues.

2.  Women who have clogged or damaged fallopian tubes

3.  Endometriosis sufferers

4.  Male infertility is caused by sperm count deficiency or blockage


The IVF Procedure in Five Easy Steps


1.  Increase your egg production by superovulating: 

According to the National Institutes of Health, fertility drugs will be administered to you to initiate a process known as stimulation — or superovulation (NIH). In other words, the drugs, which contain Follicle Stimulating Hormone, will instruct your body to produce more than the standard one egg per month. The more eggs you produce, the more likely successful fertilization will be later in the treatment.


During this stage of the IVF process, you'll have transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests on a regular basis to check on your ovaries and monitor your hormone levels.


2.  Take out the eggs:

A hormone injection will be given to you for a little more than a day since your eggs are scheduled to be extracted from your body. This will help your eggs mature quickly. The eggs will then be removed via a minor surgical procedure known as follicular aspiration. According to the NIH, this is usually done as an outpatient surgery in your doctor's office.


During the process, your doctor will apply ultrasound to direct a thin needle through your vagina to each of your ovaries. A device attached to the needle suctions the eggs out one by one.

Don't worry if this sounds painful; you'll most likely be provided with medication beforehand to relieve any discomfort.


3.  Obtain sperm from a partner or a donor:

While your eggs are being extracted, your partner will give you a sperm sample. You can also use donor sperm if you prefer. The sperm are then washed and spun at high speeds to identify the healthiest ones.


4.  Combine sperm and eggs:

Now comes the most well-known aspect of IVF: combining the best sperm with your best eggs. This is known as insemination.

A sperm usually takes a few hours to fertilize an egg. Instead, your doctor may inject the sperm directly into the egg, a procedure known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

5.  Inject the embryo(s) into your uterus.

You will be given yet another medication after your eggs have been collected. This one is designed to prepare your uterine lining for the embryos that will be transferred back into you. Your doctor will use a catheter to locate the embryos in your uterus three to five days after fertilization. This part of IVF, like step three, is done while you are awake in your doctor's office.


Multiple embryos are transferred back into you with the goal that at least one will implant and develop in the lining of your uterus. Multiple embryos can embed at the same time, which is why IVF patients frequently have multiples.

Do you want to learn more about IVF or find out if you are suitable for assisted reproductive technology? Please contact Shivam IVF to schedule a consultation. Shivam IVF is here to help you make the best decision and take the necessary steps to improve your fertility.


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is probably near the top of your list of common fertility treatments. There's a good reason for this. IVF has been around for decades, and you've probably heard of the basic concept: combining egg and sperm outside of the body in culture. But there is a lot more to IVF that occurs both before and after that. Here's a five-step breakdown of the IVF process.


IVF is frequently used to treat:


1.  Women over the age of fifty who are experiencing fertility issues.

2.  Women who have clogged or damaged fallopian tubes

3.  Endometriosis sufferers

4.  Male infertility is caused by sperm count deficiency or blockage


The IVF Procedure in Five Easy Steps


1.  Increase your egg production by superovulating: 

According to the National Institutes of Health, fertility drugs will be administered to you to initiate a process known as stimulation — or superovulation (NIH). In other words, the drugs, which contain Follicle Stimulating Hormone, will instruct your body to produce more than the standard one egg per month. The more eggs you produce, the more likely successful fertilization will be later in the treatment.


During this stage of the IVF process, you'll have transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests on a regular basis to check on your ovaries and monitor your hormone levels.


2.  Take out the eggs:

A hormone injection will be given to you for a little more than a day since your eggs are scheduled to be extracted from your body. This will help your eggs mature quickly. The eggs will then be removed via a minor surgical procedure known as follicular aspiration. According to the NIH, this is usually done as an outpatient surgery in your doctor's office.


During the process, your doctor will apply ultrasound to direct a thin needle through your vagina to each of your ovaries. A device attached to the needle suctions the eggs out one by one.

Don't worry if this sounds painful; you'll most likely be provided with medication beforehand to relieve any discomfort.


3.  Obtain sperm from a partner or a donor:

While your eggs are being extracted, your partner will give you a sperm sample. You can also use donor sperm if you prefer. The sperm are then washed and spun at high speeds to identify the healthiest ones.


4.  Combine sperm and eggs:

Now comes the most well-known aspect of IVF: combining the best sperm with your best eggs. This is known as insemination.

A sperm usually takes a few hours to fertilize an egg. Instead, your doctor may inject the sperm directly into the egg, a procedure known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

5.  Inject the embryo(s) into your uterus.

You will be given yet another medication after your eggs have been collected. This one is designed to prepare your uterine lining for the embryos that will be transferred back into you. Your doctor will use a catheter to locate the embryos in your uterus three to five days after fertilization. This part of IVF, like step three, is done while you are awake in your doctor's office.


Multiple embryos are transferred back into you with the goal that at least one will implant and develop in the lining of your uterus. Multiple embryos can embed at the same time, which is why IVF patients frequently have multiples.

Do you want to learn more about IVF or find out if you are suitable for assisted reproductive technology? Please contact Shivam IVF to schedule a consultation. Shivam IVF is here to help you make the best decision and take the necessary steps to improve your fertility.

Source:- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/a-step-by-step-guide-about-the-ivf-procedure-


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