What is IVF, and when should it be used?


IVF is far more successful than another frequent reproductive treatment, intrauterine insemination. It can help cure practically any sort of infertility problem, unlike IUI.

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a popular infertility therapy that involves the use of reproductive medicines to induce the production of multiple eggs. A tiny needle is used to extract the eggs from the ovaries. In a specialist facility, they are then fertilized using sperm. The embryos develop for 3 to 5 days before being implanted into the uterus.


Who should consider in vitro fertilization?                      

IVF is the most effective infertility treatment for nearly all individuals, including those with the following conditions:


    ovulation issues

    Endometriosis pelvic adhesions

    fallopian tube damage/obstruction

    Poor sperm quality

    unexplained infertility

     protracted infertility.


It can also be utilized to facilitate embryo preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).

IVF, on the other hand, does not produce fresh eggs for patients, and if the uterus is incapable of implanting and carrying a baby, IVF cannot help.

ART, which includes IVF, includes the use of donor egg, donor sperm, and gestational carrier (surrogate), which can overcome practically all biological infertility limits. It is also appropriate for single persons and other non-traditional family structures.


What are the Benefits, Drawbacks, and Risks of IVF?

IVF is far more successful than another frequent reproductive method, intrauterine insemination (IUI). It can help cure practically any sort of infertility problem, unlike IUI. It may also allow access to embryo genetic testing. Furthermore, by using a single embryo transfer, IVF has a considerably greater capacity to avoid multiple births (SET). It is also a faster technique to get pregnant because the success rate is higher.

IVF can also help those who want more than one child. Additional frozen embryos that were not used in the initial pregnancy are frequently used in the future to try to have further children.


The disadvantage is that it is a more difficult process than IUI.

IUI consists of just light ovarian stimulation, minimal monitoring, and office-based IUI.

IVF necessitates much stronger ovarian stimulation, frequent daily monitoring, an egg retrieval procedure under conscious sedation anesthesia, laboratory fertilization and embryo growth, embryo cryopreservation (freezing and storage), and embryo transfer followed by progesterone injections or suppositories.


Decisions to Consider: 

Patient considerations such as age, fertility diagnosis, and family medical history can assist women and men decide whether or not to try IVF. If the possibilities are extremely slim, it may be necessary to consider using donor eggs or sperm. To receive these, your fertility clinic might direct you to agencies and other sources.


Other considerations include:

1.    Pre-treatment genetic testing for both men and women.

2.   The embryo's preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)

3.   The kind of treatment cycle, the number of embryos to transfer

4.    The number of embryos to freeze


When should someone proceed directly to IVF?

When the odds of conception with IUI are low but substantially greater with IVF, patients should proceed directly to IVF. These include fallopian tube damage, moderate to severe endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, and a male infertility component that is more than modest.


Women should also proceed straight to IVF if they have a limited time to try to get pregnant due to age, impaired ovarian reserve, or other circumstances if they can afford IVF, if PGT is required, and if donated eggs or a gestational carrier are required. Each patient should talk with their fertility physician before deciding on IUI or IVF. It is preferable if your doctor is a reproductive endocrinologist with experience and the ability to administer all forms of therapy, including ovarian stimulation, IUI, surgery, and IVF. You are more likely to acquire a balanced view this way.


Deciding whether to seek fertility therapy and, if so, which ones to pursue can be difficult and confusing. Hence, Shivam IVF is here to help you with taking the right decision and moving ahead with the right steps to enhance your healthy fertility life.

Source:- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/what-is-ivf-and-when-should-it-be-used-



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