Let’s Know About The Early Signs Of Pregnancy!!


Everything feels like an early sign of pregnancy when you're aware that you might be pregnant. You wonder whether it's a sudden aversion to your favorite food or slightly sore breasts: Could it be? Early pregnancy symptoms can be perplexing because they frequently resemble symptoms that many women experience during their menstrual cycle, such as breast tenderness, cramping, or even spotting. Everything you need to know about early pregnancy symptoms, including why they occur and how to get relief safely, is right here.


1.  Nipples that prickle and tingle

Because pregnancy hormones increase blood supply to your breasts, you may experience tingling around your nipples. This can be one of the first signs of pregnancy, appearing as early as a week after conception. This sensation will fade as your body adjusts to the hormone surge.


2.  Cramping and spotting

It's not uncommon to experience spotting around the time of your period. You may notice a slight pink or brown stain in your knickers, wee, or experience mild cramping. Experts are baffled as to why spotting occurs so early in pregnancy. It's thought to be caused by either the fertilized egg implanting in your womb or the hormones that regulate your periods kicking in. Experts are baffled as to why spotting occurs so early in pregnancy.


It's thought to be caused by either the fertilized egg implanting in your womb or the hormones that regulate your periods kicking in. To be safe, see your doctor if you experience any unusual bleeding.


3.  Illness

If you're lucky, you'll avoid nausea entirely. Morning sickness, on the other hand, is a common symptom of early pregnancy. It usually begins around six weeks of pregnancy, but it can begin as early as four weeks. You may experience nausea and vomiting. Morning sickness, despite its name, can strike at any time of day or night.


4.  Breasts that are tender and swollen

Your breasts may become more sensitive after about six weeks of pregnancy. It's similar to how you feel before your period but worse.

Your breasts may appear larger and swollen, with veins visible just beneath the skin. Tenderness is most common in the first trimester and gradually fades as the pregnancy progresses.


5.  Exhaustion

Exhausted? From the beginning of your pregnancy, you may find yourself diving for your duvet as your body prepares to support your baby. Your body's pregnancy hormones are to blame, as they can cause you to feel tired, upset, and emotional. Though fatigue is not a sure sign of pregnancy, it is a common one. You may find that tiredness drains you the most during your first and third trimesters.


6.  The need to urinate frequently

You may notice that you're weeing more frequently after about six weeks of pregnancy. This is due to a combination of pregnancy hormones, the increased blood volume in your system, and your kidneys work overtime. However, if you experience pain or a burning sensation when urinating, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Consult your doctor if you suspect you have a UTI.


7.  Nipples that are darker

According to Dr. Bhavana Mittal, Pregnancy skin changes are common. One of the first changes you may notice is a darker circle of skin around your nipples (areolas). This can happen as early as eight weeks. The bumps around your nipples may also become more pronounced, and your nipples may become more erect. Your vulva and vagina may also turn a deeper, purplish red, though you won't notice!


8.  Cravings for food and altered sense of smell

Food cravings can be a pregnancy symptom. However, you're more likely to avoid certain flavors at first, possibly even before you've missed a period. You may notice a metallic taste in your mouth, or you may find yourself unable to eat your usual breakfast foods, such as eggs. Your sense of smell may also change, making you more sensitive to food or cooking odors.


9.  Missed period

If your period isn't starting on time and you're usually pretty regular, you'll probably take a pregnancy test before you notice any other symptoms. A missed period is one of the most certain signs of pregnancy.

However, if your periods are irregular or if you lose track of when your next one is due, you may be unaware that your period is late. Tender breasts, feeling queasy, and frequent trips to the bathroom may be early indicators that you're pregnant in this case.


10.  The evidence: A successful home pregnancy test

If you wait until at least the first day of a missed period, most home pregnancy tests will give you a reliable result. Consult IVF Delhi to confirm the evidence.



Above mentioned are a few early signs of pregnancy and if you observe any of the above signs then congratulations and be ready to face your happy time. Although not every parent is that fortunate to experience this feeling with the natural process they don’t need to worry anymore about it. As this advanced world of technology can offer solutions for everything. Hence, Shivam IVF the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi is here to help you out with the assistance of highly experienced experts.

Source- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/let-s-know-about-the-early-signs-of-pregnancy-


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