Let’s Know About Testosterone & Male Infertility!

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What Is Testosterone?

The hormone testosterone, also known as "T," is created by the testes in men (testicles). It contributes to the growth of hair, bones, and sex organs like the penis and prostate. It also plays a role in the development of muscles and bones. It supports a man's sense of general well-being and sexual performance. Sperm production also requires testosterone.


Let’s Know About Low Testosterone

Dr. Bhavana Mittal says “The term hypogonadism is also used to describe this illness”. Blood tests are used to measure it. Erection issues or a decline in sexual desire are some indications that testosterone levels are low. Early in the morning, testosterone levels should be checked, and an abnormal test should be repeated. A man's testosterone level will change from one test to the next because testosterone levels change throughout the day. Check your level today in IVF Delhi.


Does having low testosterone make you infertile?

Infertility is not brought on by low testosterone. Other hormones than testosterone are responsible for stimulating sperm production. The level of testosterone in the testes, where sperm are produced, is significantly higher than the level in the blood, despite the fact that testosterone is required for sperm production. Men can still produce sperm despite having low or borderline T levels.


How can testosterone therapy result in infertility?

Infertility is one of the side effects of testosterone therapy. Testosterone therapy decreases sperm production by lowering levels of another hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is essential for encouraging sperm production. Usually, testosterone therapy-induced infertility can be reversed.


A small percentage of men experience infertility that cannot be reversed. Although any form of testosterone supplementation can disturb the normal hormonal balance necessary for sperm production, shots and pellets of testosterone are generally thought to be more likely to result in infertility than gels.


Causes Of Low Testosterone:

Along with normal aging, stress, excessive alcohol use, chronic opioid use, soy consumption, and food-derived hormones can all affect a man's testosterone levels. Testicular cancer early or late delayed puberty, and kidney disease can all contribute to low testosterone levels.


Other danger factors for low testosterone consist of the following:



   Testicular damage

   Radiation and Chemotherapy(cancer therapies)

Men can request a testosterone level check from their doctor. Since testosterone levels are typically highest in the morning, this test is usually carried out then. In order to determine the testosterone levels, blood is drawn. Before taking any action, we advise testing men at least twice.



Final Thoughts!

Before beginning treatment, it's important to talk to your doctor about male infertility and testosterone supplementation if you haven't yet begun or finished having children. Before beginning testosterone replacement therapy, you have the choice to freeze your sperm, which will ensure that you have healthy sperm for future fertility options. You might also think about using drugs like Clomid, which won’t lower your sperm count but instead stimulate your testicles to produce more testosterone. Start moving in the direction of your objective. Make an appointment for a consultation at our Best Infertility Centre in Delhi NCR right away!

Source:- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/let-s-know-about-testosterone-male-infertility-



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