Can Birth Control Make You Infertile?


You've been using birth control for more than ten years, and you're now concerned that taking "the pill" for so long might reduce your ability to conceive in the future. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of myths about birth control that are spread online and through word-of-mouth, and we're here to dispel them.




Typically, the response is no. While most forms of birth control don't harm your future fertility, they can prevent pregnancy while you're using them. However, it's important to be aware that if you previously experienced irregular periods, stopping birth control could result in the return of those cycles.


What you should know about various birth control methods and how they each affect your fertility is provided below.




The most popular form of contraception is birth control pills (BCP) or oral contraceptives. Depending on the type of BCPs prescribed, they may affect ovulation, alter your uterine lining or cervix, or stop sperm from fertilizing the eggs in order to prevent pregnancy. Your period should start again soon after you remove birth control rings and patches because they function similarly to the pill.

Consult Dr. Bhavana Mittal for more information.


Additional advantages of BCPs that could support fertility preservation include:


      Reduce the possibility of ovarian cysts

      Assist in easing endometriosis pain or stop endometriosis from developing or worsening

      Ovarian cancer risk should be decreased



Progestin, a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone, is released slowly into the body by contraceptive implants, which use a small flexible rod implanted in your upper arm. The endometrial lining thins and the cervical mucus thickens as a result of the hormones. After the implant is removed, fertility usually returns within a few weeks to a month.


Every three months, an injection of Depo-Provera, also referred to as the "birth control shot" or "Depo shot," is administered. It suppresses ovulation and thickens cervical mucus. Generally speaking, most women who take Depo-Provera stop having regular periods. It may take several months to a year after stopping Depo shots for your menstrual cycle to return and allow you to get pregnant naturally, but this does not affect your long-term fertility. Know more about IVF Delhi.




IUDs are a very efficient and generally secure method of birth control. Progestin is released by hormonal IUDs, which affects ovulation and fertilization and causes many women to stop menstruating. No hormones are present in copper IUDs (ParaGard), which function by establishing an unfavorable environment in the uterus to prevent fertilization and implantation. In terms of how quickly ovulation resumes after cessation, IUDs and hormonal BCPs function similarly.


There is a small risk of pelvic inflammatory disease because IUDs must be inserted through the vagina into the uterus. Even though it's uncommon, an infection could spread to your reproductive organs, including your fallopian tubes, and result in swelling, scarring, or obstruction. The tubes may become blocked by tubal scarring, which would prevent the eggs from reaching the uterus. People who have fallopian tube damage are also susceptible to ectopic pregnancies.



Barrier methods of birth control, such as spermicide, condoms, and diaphragms, don't use hormones to prevent pregnancy. Instead, they obstruct the sperm's path to the egg physically. As a result, stopping their use won't harm your fertility in the future, and you can start trying to conceive right away.


By lowering the risk of STIs, condoms can help you protect your fertility. (STIs). Chlamydia and gonorrhea can spread to the uterus or fallopian tubes if untreated. Your reproductive organs, including your fallopian tubes, may become inflamed, scarred, or blocked as a result of pelvic inflammatory disease.



Shivam IVF is here to help you have a straightforward and trouble-free journey. At Shivam IVF, our IVF doctors in Delhi are prepared to help you at every stage to ensure a smooth transition into parenthood.

You'll put your trust in our doctors, who have one of India's highest IVF success rates with more than 100,000 successful IVF pregnancies.


To increase your chances of having a healthy baby, you will be under the care of highly qualified medical professionals who are trained to use cutting-edge technology. Because we work to get you pregnant with the fewest number of IVF cycles possible, you will be able to fulfill your parental dreams sooner.



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