IVF: A New Hope For Older Moms


Because of advancements in assisted reproductive technology, today's parents have more options than ever before. Women in their 40s and 50s are open to the idea of expanding their families. Although your fertility changes as you age, the door to having a child is no longer permanently closed. Here are some of the procedures and treatments that are giving older mothers new hope.



Things inevitably change as we get older. Even if some women continue to have regular menstrual cycles well into their 50s, pregnancy is not always possible. Your eggs' viability and number decrease as you age.

In fact, by your 30s, you'll have lost 90% of your egg supply. Although that figure is concerning, it is the viability of the remaining eggs, not the number, that is important.



Let's take a look at what produces the most viable eggs. A healthy human being is born with 46 chromosomes, 23 of which come from each biological parent. To become an embryo, the egg must shed 23 chromosomes to make room for the 23 chromosomes provided by the sperm during fertilization. It is viable if the egg follows suit. A low-quality egg is one that sheds more than 23 chromosomes.


Most people are aware of chromosomal birth defects such as Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18. However, there is a very high risk of other pregnancy complications such as miscarriage and stillbirth. After the age of 40, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities increases; by 45, the majority of the remaining eggs are affected. As a result, most fertility specialists recommend donor eggs with IVF for women over the age of 45.



While it was once unthinkable for women over the age of 40 to consider pregnancy, there are now options that make it a possibility. No two diagnoses are alike, and other factors frequently influence treatment, but here are the main options for those of advanced maternal age.


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Also known as Artificial Insemination, IUI entails injecting sperm directly into the uterus via the cervix around the time of ovulation. IUI combined with fertility medication increases egg production in women who have diminished ovarian reserves due to age. This treatment is most effective in people under the age of 45. Get in touch with IUI Centre in Delhi right away to acknowledge more about IUI.


IVF (In Vitro Fertilizations): IVF is a multi-tiered procedure because ovulation timing is critical. Your doctor may prescribe hormonal fertility medication to stimulate egg production and make your cycle more predictable. Your doctor evaluates your cycle and harvests the eggs when the time comes. In the lab, your doctor fertilizes your eggs with your partner's sperm. As the fertilized eggs develop, you can choose preimplantation genetic testing to check for chromosomal abnormalities.

When the embryos are found to be healthy, your doctor will transfer the healthy embryo(s) into your uterus. You will continue your pregnancy if the implantation goes well. Connect with the Best IVF Centre in Delhi.



Donor Egg IVF: Women in their 40s who have low-quality eggs or a diminished ovarian reserve should consider donor egg IVF. The donor eggs are typically harvested from young, healthy women who have been tested for potential genetic issues that could interfere with pregnancy. You can also use eggs donated by a healthy family member if you prefer a biological connection. The donor egg is fertilized in the lab using your partner's sperm, and the embryo(s) are transferred to you so you can carry the pregnancy.


For those of advanced maternal age, both IVF and IVF with donor eggs are highly successful. Consult Dr. Bhavana Mittal for more information.



Of course, the treatment you choose is determined by your specific diagnosis. More factors come into play as you age, and some may preclude certain treatment options. Certain tests are performed by your doctor to ensure that these are the most promising fertility treatments for you.


It's a given that health concerns grow more prominent as we get older. Your cardiovascular health, as well as chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, may preclude you from carrying a pregnancy. If this is an issue, a gestational carrier (surrogate) is one option.



Pregnancy may be possible with the right combination of treatments and care. Concerns about advanced maternal age should be directed to Shivam IVF's fertility specialists. We'll work together to find the best treatment for you to start a family. Contact the caring professionals at Shivam IVF right away.

 Source:- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/ivf-a-new-hope-for-older-moms


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