Uncovering The Effects Of Being Underweight On Reproductive Health!


Infertility affects approximately 10% of the population. There are numerous reasons why women of childbearing age have difficulty becoming pregnant. Female and male factor infertility is caused by a variety of conditions, and both partners can contribute to infertility. What's more aggravating? An unexplained infertility diagnosis.

Your fertility journey may feel out of your hands at times. There appears to be nothing you can do to influence your fertility. However, there are some conditions that you may be able to control, one of which is your weight.



It is common knowledge that being overweight, particularly obese, contributes to infertility. This is because an excess of fat cells disrupts your hormonal balance, cause disrupting the menstrual cycle. You may stop ovulating, and without ovulation, there will be no egg. Get the best infertility treatment in Delhi.

Women who are obese (BMI greater than 30) and have not gotten pregnant after a year of trying regularly (or 6 months if over 35) are encouraged to see a fertility specialist. But what about women with low BMIs? Are they regarded as healthy? Is their weight a factor in their fertility?


Yes, the answer is yes. Underweight women may struggle with infertility. This is why.

In general, having a BMI between 20 and 25 increases your chances of conceiving significantly. That means that underweight women experience the same hormonal issues as obese women, albeit for different reasons. Body fat influences your fertility by regulating your hormones. When you are of a healthy weight and have no other issues, your hormones are fairly balanced to the point where ovulation is not disrupted.

Women with excess body fat produce more estrogen than is required, which, like estrogen-based birth control, prevents ovulation. When you are underweight (BMI 18.5 or less), you disrupt the hormonal balance in your body, causing it to stop producing estrogen entirely. Because of a lack of estrogen, many severely underweight women stop having periods. 

Having periods when you're underweight isn't a guarantee that you'll get pregnant. Because your blood sugar is out of whack, your endocrine system is out of whack, and your periods are most likely irregular ovulation.  Underweight women who become pregnant face a much higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, and delivering low birth weight babies than their healthier counterparts.


Men with a low BMI may have low testosterone levels as well as other hormone imbalances. Male reproductive hormone imbalances hurt sperm quality, and libido, and contribute to erectile dysfunction. Consult Dr. Bhavana Mittal for more information.


If you suspect you have weight-related infertility, you should address your concerns as soon as possible. Your weight and overall health are heavily influenced by your lifestyle, but you should also rule out any underlying conditions that may cause you to lose weight or fall below a healthy weight to the point where it affects your fertility.

Contact Shivam IVF, the best IVF Center in Delhi today so that we can work together to solve your fertility problems. Our caring staff will assist you in realizing your dream of having a child.

Source:- https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com/blog-details/uncovering-the-effects-of-being-underweight-on-reproductive-health-


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