Infertility: Everything You Need to Know

Generally, infertility is defined as a woman is now being able to get pregnant and conceive a baby even after trying their best for almost a year. As it is obvious fertility in women steadily declines with increasing age. Women who are able to conceive but do not carry a pregnancy to term may also be diagnosed with infertility. Not only women but men face infertility issues with the same ratio all over the World. The remaining cases must be caused by the combination of male and female infertility, or they may have an unknown cause. Shivam IVF Centre well known as the best IVF centre in Delhi comes out as the most trusted solution which comes across unknown causes of infertility and also treats it with proper guidance, progressive and modern techniques. Causes of male infertility Generally speaking, infertility in men is related to issues with the following: • Effective production of sperm • Sperm count, or the number of sperm • Shape of the sperm • Movement of the sperm, wh...