Uncovering The Effects Of Being Underweight On Reproductive Health!

Infertility affects approximately 10% of the population. There are numerous reasons why women of childbearing age have difficulty becoming pregnant. Female and male factor infertility is caused by a variety of conditions, and both partners can contribute to infertility. What's more aggravating? An unexplained infertility diagnosis. Your fertility journey may feel out of your hands at times. There appears to be nothing you can do to influence your fertility. However, there are some conditions that you may be able to control, one of which is your weight. INFERTILITY AS A RESULT OF WEIGHT IS NOT ONLY FOR THE OBESE It is common knowledge that being overweight, particularly obese, contributes to infertility. This is because an excess of fat cells disrupts your hormonal balance, cause disrupting the menstrual cycle. You may stop ovulating, and without ovulation, there will be no egg. Get the best infertil...